Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Flock vrs Internet Explorer

Read an article about Flock. Tried it. Internet Explorer works better! Flock was supposed to make blogging easy! Not so! Internet Explorer is easier to use for blogging than Flock. There should be an easy was to go from Flock into this editor for a blog. It is easier to get here using Internet Explorer. Flock -100 Internet Explorer +100!!! Plus the setup for Flock results in an error message as the editor comes up. Probably because Flock is a beta release but still something sold as software to make blogging easy is now unnecssarily hard and difficult to use!!! Just used Flock and iev6 to get to this blog. Much, much, much easier to use iev6 than to use Flock. If Flock does not get the UI into better shap they will not even be an also ran in the browser wars. Right now their UI is not even third world class!!!!

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